"Victory Dance" (Not a COM 399 Assignment)

My Victory Dance

I was talking with my friend, Francois, about some of the lethargy I was feeling dealing with two recent surgeries and facing the possibility of radioactive iodine treatments for cancer cells in my body.  We talked about maybe having something I can focus on, like maybe something to do once I am to the point where my scan comes back “cancer free”.  Whether it is in the next week or so, or whether it will be months down the road… I needed a “Victory Lap” or “Victory Dance”.
You know, that “Victory Lap” the winning racecar drives around the track slowly, after he’s won the race.  Or when the football player has successfully outmaneuvered the opposing team to run across that white line for a touchdown, and then performs his own, unique “Victory Dance.”
I decided this was a good idea, and I spent a couple of days mulling over possibilities.  I could do something daring, like jump out of an airplane, or take a hot air balloon ride, climbing a mountain…or run a 5K…or perhaps just walk a 5K ;)
Although all of these sounded like great ideas, I decided if this Victory Dance was supposed to help me focus on the light at the end of the tunnel, it had to be something I was excited about doing (and believe me, running a 5K I would NOT find exciting!!).  And it had to be something I thought would be fun, even if no one else did.
I began to think about my mental “bucket list” and the things I hoped to experience before I left this earth.  But, I wanted something that was realistically do-able.  I couldn’t really plan a trip to Italy, write a book, or drive a race car if I was found to be cancer free in the next couple of weeks.  So I spent some time mulling over things on my mental bucket list, and the things that I enjoy doing, and searching for something I wanted to do that I had not done yet.  What could be my goal to enjoy at the end of this trial??
I was doing some homework and listening to music I enjoy, and a song reminded me of something I have mentioned on two occasions over the last couple of months that I thought would be fun to do….
Two days before my second surgery, I was dancing at a wedding in Iowa.  I was having a great time doing something I really enjoy.  Dancing.  “Something” happened at that wedding, and I said, “I really want to learn to do that!”  And it wasn’t the first time I have said it.  The first time was when I saw the movie, “13 going on 30.”  I said it again at the Washington Community High School Talent Show in April.
If you haven’t guessed it yet, I want to learn how to do the dance from Micheal Jackson’s “Thriller”.  I really do!  I think it would be fun to learn!  So, it is official, once I have my first scan that says I’m “cancer free”, I want to learn the dance from “Thriller”.  Anyone who would like to join me, is welcome.  However, I plan to do it either way, and then perform it somewhere…whether it is at a friend’s wedding, my own livingroom, or in a flashmob on the square J  I haven’t decided a location yet.  I will work out those details later.  One step at a time.  At least, for now, I’ve set the “Victory Dance”.
Next step, have a cancer free scan.  Stay tuned to my blog or my Facebook to see updates.  Let me know if you want to join me ;)


  1. Might I suggest adding Tags to separate school and class work from personal subjects.

  2. If you did, please be smart and suggest how to add suggested tags.... ;)

  3. (Sorry, never saw your reply on tags.) I'm not positive how to do it on blogspot; I use WordPress. In WordPress, below your post is a line labeled "tags". I type the tags there. Also in WordPress is an option for what it calls "Categories". These also allow you to group your articles by subject (hence, category).


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