Buy me a pig for my birthday. Seriously.

Here is why: In my 50 years of planetary occupation (yes, I’ll admit it, I'll be 50 this May!) I have learned it is not about me. I have met many people during this half-century, and I have discovered I am a very blessed person. There are people who are without a home, so they do not have a warm, comfortable bed at night or the simple luxuries we take for granted like showering or washing our clothes when we want. I own a car, so I do not need to walk or bike in difficult weather conditions in order to travel to work, to the grocery store, or to enjoy coffee with a friend. And if I am hungry, I walk to my fridge and find something to eat, fix food in my kitchen, or hit the Wendy's drive-through and buy a grilled chicken sandwich. When it comes right down to it, I have a nice roof over my head, plenty of food and clothes, and a cute, little red car that runs well and gets me where I want to go. I am very blessed. However, I am not blind ...