The Coffee Mug Philosophy of Minimalism

I am an avid coffee drinker. Growing up, my mom always had a pot brewing and I have memories of different people visiting with us, sitting at the dining room table drinking a cup of coffee. Family and friends planning to hunt in the woods behind our property would stop in and drink coffee at our house before they headed out. When they returned, they were warmed with a hot cup of coffee. I have fond memories of talking with family and friends around the dining room table, drinking coffee. A social event, I started drinking coffee at an early age. I eventually gained a cupboard full of coffee mugs stacked two deep. Over decades of living and buying coffee mugs, or receiving gifts of coffee mugs, I had accumulated an incredible amount of coffee mugs. I was very proud of that huge collection of coffee mugs and loved picking one out to use when someone joined me for a cup of coffee. If coffee mugs were gold, I would have been rich beyond measure. I owned...