The Winner of the Oscar for Supporting Role

I am an Oscar winner in a supporting role. It is in my nature, and it always has been as evidenced by my life and my career choices. I grew up the third girl after two outgoing, extroverted girls (or so they seemed to me). My two older sisters paved the way for getting into trouble and “bossing” me around. I naturally followed their lead and learned to support them in whatever endeavors or shenanigans. Incredibly impressionable, I learned many things from watching their example. Forever a peacemaker, I leaned toward following them, assisting them, and just enjoying spending time with them. When I was about 12, I decided to hold a Muscular Dystrophy Carnival to raise money for the Jerry Lewis Telethon. I don’t really know why, other than as kids we watched the Jerry Lewis Telethon every year. Inspired to do something for “Jerry’s Kids”, my behind-the-scenes, organizational planning, introverted self, took over and I plann...