Unseen and Unappreciated

Our family was all about scouting—with Ed IV in Tiger Scouts, Cub Scouts, and then Boy Scouts, Ed was the Cubmaster for several years, Ellis was in Girl Scouts, and I was a Tiger Scout Coordinator one year, and a co-leader for the Girl Scout Troop for several years. “Scout” should have been our middle name! The cubmaster uniform Ed wore at scout events for several years, including pack meetings, pinewood derby races, marching in parades, and Blue and Gold banquets where he would lead the meeting and the songs. He enjoyed leading the scouts, perhaps foreshadowing his time as a pastor. I had hand sewed many of the patches onto his cubmaster shirt. Turning the shirt inside out easily revealed which ones I had sewn, versus the ones that were applied by machine. This shirt enveloped his body for several years while we lived in Iowa. The red and white numbered patches reflected his troop, the “Hawkeye Area Council, Iow...